IMSTA FESTA - 2018 Songwriting Competition ( 2018년 6월 18일 마감 )
정보 ( Info )/해외 대회 및 공모전 2018. 6. 8. 15:20IMSTA 에서 주관/주최하는 2018 Songwriting Competition 이 있어서 관련 소식이 올립니다. ^_^
IMSTA FESTA - 2018 Songwriting Competition ( 2018년 6월 18일 마감 )
IMSTA 는 International Music Software Trade Association 의 줄임말로
음악 소프트웨어 회사들의 연합 단체라고 생각하시면 되는 곳입니다. ^_^
이 단체는 플러그인과 DAW 같은 음악 소프트웨어의 정품 사용을 권장하면서
전세계의 주요 도시에서 매년 전시회, 포럼, Workshop 그리고 Songwriting Competition 을 진행하고 있습니다. ^_^
저도 미국에서 몇번 포럼과 Workshop 에 참여하고 왔었고 최근에도 다녀왔었는데
이번에 한국에서도 IMSTA FESTA 가 진행이 된다고 합니다. ^_^
그래서 2018 Songwriting Competition 에서 참여하실 분들은
관련 홈페이지 주소 :
- Songs must be submitted through
- Each song entry must be Entrant's original creation. Songs should not exceed 5 minutes in length (5:00). Entries may have co-writer[s], but one name must be designated per entry.
- Employees or Partners of IMSTA and our Sponsors, their families, subsidiaries, and affiliates are not eligible to enter competition.
- Songs will be judged based on melody, composition, originality and lyrics (where applicable).
- Prizes will be awarded jointly to all authors of any song; division of prizes is responsibility of winners.
- Entry files must be uploaded as an MP3. IMSTA is not responsible for any corrupt files you may submit. Any and all corrupt files will be deleted without notification to you.
- All submissions to this Competition must be fully submitted by 11:59 PM Central Standard Time (or, if being observed, Central Daylight Time) on the final submission deadlines of the Competition.
- All entries are final and irrevocable. Once you have submitted an entry for this Competition you may not withdraw the entry or request to change the category, genre or other division you chose for the entry.
- By entering the IMSTA FESTA Song Contest - you hereby give consent to have your song and/or song link posted to the IMSTA FESTA website, social media platforms, SoundCloud or used in playlists from Spotify, Apple Music, or any equivalent streaming/distribution service where your works are available, YouTube or any other online service for promotional purposes only.
- Winner of the grand prize must be eligible and able to travel to receive prize. Grand prize winner will be notified by email at the address provided, and must sign and return an affidavit of eligibility/publicity release within ten (10) days after the date on such notification. The affidavit will state that the winner's song is an original work and that the winner holds all rights to the song or is a cover of a licensed song and is identified as such in the submission. Failure to sign and return this affidavit within ten (10) days, or the provision of false/inaccurate information therein, will result in immediate disqualification and an alternate winner will be selected. Affidavits of winners under eighteen (18) years of age at the time of award must be countersigned by the winner's parent or legal guardian. Affidavits are subject to verification by IMSTA.
○ 시상내역
1) 당선 1명 : 심사위원 투표점수 100%
- 완성도 : 구성과 사운드의 퀄리티
- 참신함 : 새로운 10대 작곡가의 참신함을 엿볼 수 있는 음악
- 조화 : 아티스트와 공모곡의 조화
2) 파이널 리스트 9명 : 심사위원 투표점수 70% + 그라폴리오 회원 투표점수 30%
- 완성도 : 구성과 사운드의 퀄리티
- 참신함 : 새로운 10대 작곡가의 참신함을 엿볼 수 있는 음악
- 조화 : 아티스트와 공모곡의 조화
연관된 글 더 보기 ( 관련된 각종 지원 프로그램 / 공모전 / 대회 소식 글 보기 )
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